If you've got two and a half minutes, check this out.
Don't like the looks of any of those seats? Why not try a recumbent bike? This design lets you get your whole ass on the seat.... reminiscent of a couch. Plus their soooooo cool. Don't take my word for it, just look at this guy! Seems happy enough.
Still not satisfied? Ok. One more for ya. The Flying Squirrel Bike". I think this could really be the answer. It requires a commitment of some special clothing, necessitates that there be someone available to "rig you up", limits you to road rides and certainly won't climb that well (I actually don't even know if this can climb at all) but it takes all, and I mean ALL of the pressure off your "nether-regions". Isn't that what we were going for in the first place?
So, there you have it. The choice is yours. So many ways to avoid the all too common saddle sores.
Ed Note: The opinions expressed in the above story are soley that of the author and are not to be taken seriously, lightly, mildly or really even taken at all. The author, authors girlfriend, authors dog, authors friends and riding partners hereby exquibe all exquibeable abilities to hereon postedness within thusly.